Monday, November 19, 2012

IEEE Competition - ROBO SOCCER

Dear IEEE members;

come to express your loyalty toward your country , enjoy and have fun with ROBO SOCCER.

Bluetooth controlled – Robotic Soccer player

Calling all robots and soccer fans who are IEEE members. Would you like to participate in a robotic soccer competition where you control your robot through a mobile blue tooth device?

If your answer is YES, then you have come to the right place, IEEE is hosting a robotic soccer competition on Thursday, November 29, 2012.

Criteria for the competition

·         All grade levels are welcome to participate
·         Participants should be IEEE members
·         You should design and assemble your robot yourself electrical teachers will guide you.
·         Programming help will be provided by supervisors/coaches
·         Assembly and testing of the robots to be done in school on 19, 20, 21 of November from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
·         Each team can only have 2 members
·         Winners will be deiced by competition only. (3 winners only)

IEEE - National Day Competition

Dear IEEE members;

Do you want to express your loyalty toward your country and enjoy the national day celebration, you want also to have a great chance to win great gifts, here is the deal ...!!!!

Light Up U.A.E
Under the theme “Spirit of Union", The streets, buildings and landmarks across the UAE are currently being illuminated elaborately to reflect the grandeur of this important occasion. 
In line with the National Day celebrations, IEEE - ATHS has launched a Light Up – U.A.E competition.
The competition will be held on Thursday, November 29 2012 at ATHS - Dubai.
Criteria for the competition:
IEEE members from all grade levels are eligible to participate.
You are required to use LED’s or any type of lights to design your layout.
The layout might involve UAE map or flag or any thing related to the national day.
Minimum number of LED used should be 41.
You are not restricted to the colors of LED used in the design.
This competition is for individuals and NOT for groups.
3 D models are most welcome.
Your name and ID number and section should be written on your project.

You are required to submit your project to Mr. Asfar E22 or Miss Saima E7
No submission will be accepted after Monday, 26th November 2012.
Terms and condition of the competition:
Students are required to finance their own competition.
Teachers in the Electrical Dept. will assist with your design, however they will not physically build your design.
The top 3 winners will be selected by a judging committee.
Anyone in violation of the criteria will be excluded from competing.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Module 5 - Presentation

Grade 10 students,

To download your presentation for Module 5 - PCB Fabrication Click here

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Dear IEEE members;
This Saturday you have a great chance to learn how to build and fly an RC airplane
Mr. Ahmed Kajour will be in school from 9:30-12:30 for a very exciting training session.
ONLY 12 students will be involved in this training, if you are intersected please send me an email.
you will receive a confirmation email from my side about your participation.
A competition will be held during the national day celebration under the title "Fly in UAE sky" and valuable gifts will be offered along with certificates.
NOTE: this is ONLY for IEEE members
if you are not a member and want to participate you need to fill in the attached form and
(pay 50 AED if you are previous IEEE member and 100 AED for new members) 
for G09 and G10 see Miss Saima  E7
for G11 and G12 see Mr. Asfar   E22

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Grade 10 - Module 4 worksheet with answers

Dear Grade 10 Electrical Workshop Students,

To download the Module 4 worksheet with complete answers Click right here!!!

Good Luck with your exams.

Saima Saleem

Grade 12 - Practical and Knowledge Exam

The exam will be held in your class time

The exam will cover both practical and knowledge

Grade 12 - Practical and Knowledge Exam

Process Monitoring - Practical and Knowledge Exam

Wednesday: 07 November 2012

Thursday: 08 November 2012

Tuesday: 13 November 2012

Electrical Installation - Practical and Knowledge Exam

Monday: 05 November 2012

Thursday: 08 November 2012

Programmable Logic Controller - Practical and Knowledge Exam

Sunday: 04 November 2012

Monday: 05 November 2012

Wednesday: 07 November 2012

Digital Electronics - Practical and Knowledge Exam

Thursday: 08 November 2012

Grade 11 - Practical and Knowledge exam

The exam will be held during your class times.
The exam will be both practical and knowledge.

Measurements - Practical and knowledge exam

Sunday: 04 November 2012


Tuesday: 06 November 2012


Wednesday: 07 November 2012



Electrical Fundamentals - Practical and knowledge exam

Sunday: 04 November 2012


Monday: 05 November 2012

Wednesday: 07 November 2012

Thursday: 08 November 2012

Measurement and Instrumentation - Practical and Knowledge exam

Sunday: 04 November 2012

Monday: 05 November 2012

Tuesday: 06 November 2012

Wednesday: 07 November 2012

Grade 10 - Knowledge and Practical exam schedule

Electrical Workshop - Knowledge and Practical Exam

The exam will held during your class time.
The exam will be both practical and knowledge.

Sunday 04 - November - 2012:


Monday 05 - November - 2012:


Tuesday 06 - November - 2012:


Wednesday 07 - November - 2012:


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Workshop safety and Lab coats

Why Should We Wear Lab Coats?

  • Lab coats are personal protective equipment and should be worn in the workshop when working with tools and electrical equipment to avoid scraps and cuts.
  • Appropriate lab coats should be fully buttoned with sleeves rolled down. They should also be fire-resistant.
  • In case of an accident, it is much faster and easier to remove a lab coat than street clothes to minimize skin contact with hazardous materials.

When to Wear Lab Coats

  • Always wear lab coats when working in a workshop.
  • always wear lab coats when working with tools and heavy equipment.

When NOT to Wear Lab Coats

  • Don't wear lab coats in public places, such as offices, lunch rooms, lounge areas, or elsewhere outside the laboratory, as they can transfer hazardous materials and contaminate these areas.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Module 3 - Identification and specification of electrical components - Electrical workshop

Module 3:

Dear Students,
Below is the list of information you need to know from Module 3 of electrical workshop.

  • 9 basic electrical components from Module 3
    • lamp - light indicator
    • motor - motion indicator
    • buzzer - sound indicator
    • resistor - limit the flow of current
    • variable resistor -  adjust or control the flow of current
    • LDR - light dependent resistor - resistance changes with light intensity
    • capacitor - used to store electrical charge
    • inductor - used to store magnetic field 
    • diode - lets current flow in one direction only
  • You should know the function and uses of all the electrical components
  • Resistor color code
  • BBROY from Great Britain has a Very Good Wife
  • Capacitor color code, you should understand the 3 numbers written on capacitors and determine the value of the capacitors from there.
  • End of chapter questions and answers.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Applications of Capacitors, Inductors and Diodes


Capacitors are used for several purposes:

  • Timing - for example with a timer controlling the charging and discharging.
  • Smoothing - for example in a power supply.
  • Filtering - for example in the tone control of an audio system.
  • Tuning - for example in a radio system.
  • Storing energy - for example in a camera flash circuit.



  • Traffic Light Sensors: to detect the car and change the signal from red to green.
  • Flittering: to filter out noise in any voice signal.



  • Light Emitting Diodes
  • Rectifier Circuits
  • Directing current in one direction only
  • Vending Machines

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Important keywords in module 2 - Hand Tools - Electrical Workshop - Grade 10

Important keywords in module 2 - Hand tools - Electrical Workshop - Grade 10

Dear Students, 
Below is the list of important keywords you should be familiar with in Module 2 of Electrical Workshop.

  • insert and tighten
  • loosen and remove
  • insulation
  • wire stripper
  • Crimper
  • crimp pin
  • 3 - pin plug

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Important keywords for Module 1 - Electrical Workshop - Grade 10

Important keywords in module 1 - Electrical Workshop - Grade 10

Dear Students, 
Below is the list of important keywords you should be familiar with in Module 1 of Electrical Workshop.

  • Electrical hazard
  • Electric shock
  • Electricity
  • Electrical appliances
  • Plug
  • Socket
  • Outlet
  • Adequate
  • Switches
  • Power points
  • Electrical equipment
  • Transformer
  • Power lines
  • Electricity substations
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Fire alaram pull station
  • First aid kit
  • Personal protective devices (PPE)
  • Respiratory
  • Flammable
  • Hazard
  • Power stations
  • Circuit
  • Current
  • Voltage
  • Resistance
  • Insulators
  • Conductors
  • Grounding

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Welcome to a new year

Dear Students,
We all at the Electrical Department welcome you to your brand new school year. We hope you all are as much excited as us. We all are looking forward to teach you new exciting things in electrical engineering.

Here is a brief idea of who is teaching what in Term 1 - Sept 2012 to Dec 2012

Mr. Mohammed Akhtar - Electrical Workshop
Mrs. Saima Saleem - Electrical Workshop

Mr. Kamal AbuQauud - Measurements
Mr. Asfar Imam - Electrical Fundamentals
Mr. Walid AlQaisi - Measurements and Instrumentation

Mr. Ayman Odawa - Digital Electronics
Mr. Ayman Odawa - Project Planning
Mr. Mohammed Akhtar - Project Planning
Mrs. Saima Saleem - Project Planning
Mr. Walid Al Qaisi - Electrical Installation
Mr. Ayman Odawa - PLC Fundamentals
Mrs. Saima Saleem - PLC Fundamentals
Mr. Ahmad Ennab - Process Control
Mr. Asfar Imam - Process Control

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Exam Tips

Tests and exams are a regular part of the school environment. It is important that exams be kept in proportion - they are important, but not the end of the world. Some things can be done to make exams a more valuable, worthwhile and less threatening experience for students.

1.   Have all necessary material with you:
a.   You can't borrow items such as pens, pencils, rulers or special equipment while in an examination.
2.   Have a relaxing night before your exams:
Have an early night, and try to have a healthy breakfast.
3.   Read the entire paper:
a.   Where you have choices, decide which ones you plan to answer.
4.   Plan your time:
a.   Spend some time drafting a plan for the questions you choose to answer.
5.   Jot down ideas as they come to you:
a.   While you are answering one question, information about another may suddenly occur to you. Jot it down somewhere because when you come to that question perhaps an hour later, you may have forgotten it.
6.   Don't leave any questions unanswered:
a.   If you are short of time, use note form. Remember, you can only be marked on the answers you give.
7.   Never leave the room early:
a.   If you have time at the end, go over your work, add information (eg in the margin). You can't return if you suddenly remember a fact after you have left.
8.   Do not spend too long on multiple choice questions:
a.   With multiple-choice questions it is best to cover the answers and work out your own before looking at the choices on paper. If you can't answer the question come back to it later - have a guess.
9.   Never omit an entire question:
a.   No matter how well you answer other questions, you must leave time for all questions - a perfect answer can still only earn a certain number of marks. If you write nothing, you can't receive any marks and you have lost all your marks for a particular question. Write something - it may at least give you a few points.
10.                 Maintain a stable energy level:
a.   Eating foods such as chocolate bars before an exam might give you an energy boost to begin with but your blood sugar levels will drop within an hour and your energy will plunge dramatically, making it hard for you to concentrate.

Content copied from here

Monday, June 11, 2012

Good Luck!!!

 As we near the end of first semester, we would  like to remind our students to finish strong! 

We strongly encourage students and parents to focus on the importance of finishing each semester strong, making sure time is spent on those missing homework assignments as well as studying for final tests.

Good luck to all of our students in their efforts to finish strong this semester.