Monday, April 30, 2012


Courtesy of Mr. Ayman Odawa :)
Sensors, measurements, and instrumentation are the cornerstones of control systems for a wide range of engineering processes.  Measurements help us describe the world and everything in it. Measurements can describe length, weight, time, temperature, pressure, humidity and countless other properties. People use measurements whenever they make something, whether it is a food or a building.

Without measurement, the world would be a mess. Bridges would end in the middle of rivers if engineers didn’t take measurements before building. You would be late for school constantly without a clock to measure time. Your clothes wouldn’t fit if they didn’t match the measurements of your body.  Without a speedometer, a driver couldn’t stay at a safe speed. Without their built-in thermometers, refrigerators couldn’t keep food cold enough to stop the growth of harmful bacteria.

People have always needed measurement, but long ago there were no standards or systems. Instead, they used the length or width of their fingers, arms, and feet as units of measurement. The problem, of course, was that everyone’s fingers, arms, and feet were not the same size. So over time, most governments developed standard systems of measurement. That means weights and measures that everyone in a particular place could agree upon.

Today, there are two main systems of standardized measurement in the world: the metric system and the English system.

Measurements and Instrumentation subject provides the basic knowledge of the concept of measurement systems and introduces some basic instruments used in the measurement of electrical quantities such as voltage, frequency and period. The course also describes some industrial applications of sensors, such as the measurement of temperature, as well as the detection of different types of objects.

Basic Stamp 2

Basic Stamp 2 Module

The BASIC Stamp 2 serves as the brains inside of electronics projects and applications that require a programmable microcontroller.  It is able to control and monitor timers, keypads, motors, sensors, switches, relays, lights, and more. Programming is performed in an easy-to-learn language called PBASIC.

It's amazing what you can accomplish with this well-proven microcontroller and its simple language. All vital components (processor, clock source, memory, power regulator) are provided on the BS2's tiny PCB; just connect power and go! Projects needing small, permanent soldering area for circuitry may benefit from combining the BS2-IC with the BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board or the Super Carrier Board . For lower-cost OEM solutions, the processor  and other components are available for integration into your PCB.
The BS2-IC is widely used in educational, hobby, and industrial applications and is strongly recommended for first-time BASIC Stamp users because of plentiful resources (documentation, source code, and customer projects) that are available online and in print. Our Stamps in Class Educational Program was designed with this module, making it a great place to learn about microcontrollers. Once you have become familiar with programming in PBASIC and have designed your own projects, you may want to explore our selection of BASIC Stamps with increased power, speed, or memory. For customers that require multi-processing or video generation capabilities.
Basic Stamp 2 Super Controller

Basic Stamp 2 controller lego robot
Basic Stamp 2 Kit

Top 10 most impressive engineering projects

9. Panama Canal

Panam Canal
Panama Canal
Before the Panama Canal was opened on Aug. 15, 1914, a ship traveling from New York and San Francisco would have had to sail around Cape Horn, a 67-day, 12,000-mile journey. The Panama Canal provided shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, reducing the same New York to San Francisco by 4,000 miles. Clearly, much the same way the Transcontinental Railroad reinvented shipping, the Panama Canal was a colossal engineering project which greatly impacted shipping between the two oceans by reducing the journey times immensely.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Top 10 most impressive engineering projects

We are starting a to 10 list, every day we will post the next best engineering project in the top 10 list.. 
follow us to keep a track of the top 10 most impressive engineering projects of this century.
Moon Landing - Apollo 11

Every few decades, there has been an engineering feat that has made us truly believe in the power of human ingenuity in sparking social change and bettering the lives of people. Behind these achievements, there have been numerous remarkable engineers who dedicated their lives to creating these inventions.
The following engineering projects qualify as some of the most remarkable, because many of them achieved what was at one point deemed to be impossible and fulfilled the needs of modern day life by implementing audacious approaches to solving complex challenges. This article is a celebration of all those engineers who played the crucial roles in creating these amazing engineering feats.

10. Moon Landing

1969 Apollo Moon Landing
1969 Apollo Moon Landing
Neil Amstrong’s famous 1969 moon landing was surely “a giant leap for mankind,” forever changing how we approach what other consider hard and the impossible. The Apollo 11 mission placed two astronauts (Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin) onto the surface of the moon, successfully defeating Russia in the rush to the skies. This event marked a definitive point in the 20th Century and at the time helped cement the United States above Russia as the ‘greatest superpower’ whilst firing the imagination of generations of children.

Congratulations - ATHS Dubai!!! :)

Applied Technology Electrical is proud to announce that our students participated and won the third annual Robotics competition  at  the University of Wollongong.

Please join me in congratulating the winners of this Robotics Competition held at the University of Wollongong - Dubai. 

Part Picking Robot Category – ATHS Dubai students won 1st place
Students names:
Obaid Khalid Obaid Al Suwaidi
Ibrahim Eid Mohammed Alsuwaidi

RoboCar Traffic Negotiation – ATHS Dubai students won 3rd Place
Students names:
Mohammed Ghanim Risa Robari
Rashed Mohammedd Modhfer Sultan

I would like to thank all our team on working hard with these students. Its the teams and students hard work and dedication in participating in these competitions that gives us these great results.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Basic Stamp 2 Microcontroller

Basic Stamp 2 Module

The BASIC Stamp 2 serves as the brains inside of electronics projects and applications that require a programmable microcontroller.  It is able to control and monitor timers, keypads, motors, sensors, switches, relays, lights, and more. Programming is performed in an easy-to-learn language called PBASIC.

It's amazing what you can accomplish with this well-proven microcontroller and its simple language. All vital components (processor, clock source, memory, power regulator) are provided on the BS2's tiny PCB; just connect power and go! Projects needing small, permanent soldering area for circuitry may benefit from combining the BS2-IC with the BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board or the Super Carrier Board . For lower-cost OEM solutions, the processor  and other components are available for integration into your PCB.
The BS2-IC is widely used in educational, hobby, and industrial applications and is strongly recommended for first-time BASIC Stamp users because of plentiful resources (documentation, source code, and customer projects) that are available online and in print. Our Stamps in Class Educational Program was designed with this module, making it a great place to learn about microcontrollers. Once you have become familiar with programming in PBASIC and have designed your own projects, you may want to explore our selection of BASIC Stamps with increased power, speed, or memory. For customers that require multi-processing or video generation capabilities.

Basic Stamp 2 Super Controller

Basic Stamp 2 controller lego robot
Basic Stamp 2 Kit

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Emirates Skills Results

It is with great pride I would like to share with you the results of last Wednesday and Thursday's International Emirates Skills Competition.
Omran Yousef Al SayedmechatronicsGold
Sultan Majid Al AlimechatronicsGold
Khlaifa Ali MousaCNCBronze
Humaid AbdullahAutocadBronze
Obaid KhalidRoboticsSilver
Ibrahim Abdul KarimRoboticsSilver
Abdullah Mohammed al KhajaRoboticsGold
AbdulHamid MohammedRoboticsGold
Khlifa KhaledWeb DesignSilver

Please join me in congratulating these youngmen for their out standing performance at the International Emirates Skills Competition.

(Mr. Warrens Message)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

EmiratesSkills@WorldSkills-Shizuoka (Japan) 2007

Best viewed using Firefox.
Download the video
What is Emirates Skills?

Emirates Skills aims to raise awareness of career-based technical and vocational education among young Emiratis by organizing competitions, events, training programs and technical career activities.

Emirates Skills role is aligned with the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030 and contributes to achieve the UAE Economic Vision 2020 by promoting social and human resources development and by preparing the National workforce to serve industrial and technological growth in UAE.

Annually the Emirates Skills National Competition attracts National youth, both young men and women, to compete in technical and vocational skill categories and be evaluated and judged by a technical committee and internationally accredited experts.

This video shown above gives you a brief idea about what Emirates Skills is all about. 

Hope to see you all there on Wednesday 11th of April 2012 to join everyone participating in Emirates Skills.