Sunday, September 23, 2012

Important keywords in module 2 - Hand Tools - Electrical Workshop - Grade 10

Important keywords in module 2 - Hand tools - Electrical Workshop - Grade 10

Dear Students, 
Below is the list of important keywords you should be familiar with in Module 2 of Electrical Workshop.

  • insert and tighten
  • loosen and remove
  • insulation
  • wire stripper
  • Crimper
  • crimp pin
  • 3 - pin plug

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Important keywords for Module 1 - Electrical Workshop - Grade 10

Important keywords in module 1 - Electrical Workshop - Grade 10

Dear Students, 
Below is the list of important keywords you should be familiar with in Module 1 of Electrical Workshop.

  • Electrical hazard
  • Electric shock
  • Electricity
  • Electrical appliances
  • Plug
  • Socket
  • Outlet
  • Adequate
  • Switches
  • Power points
  • Electrical equipment
  • Transformer
  • Power lines
  • Electricity substations
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Fire alaram pull station
  • First aid kit
  • Personal protective devices (PPE)
  • Respiratory
  • Flammable
  • Hazard
  • Power stations
  • Circuit
  • Current
  • Voltage
  • Resistance
  • Insulators
  • Conductors
  • Grounding

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Welcome to a new year

Dear Students,
We all at the Electrical Department welcome you to your brand new school year. We hope you all are as much excited as us. We all are looking forward to teach you new exciting things in electrical engineering.

Here is a brief idea of who is teaching what in Term 1 - Sept 2012 to Dec 2012

Mr. Mohammed Akhtar - Electrical Workshop
Mrs. Saima Saleem - Electrical Workshop

Mr. Kamal AbuQauud - Measurements
Mr. Asfar Imam - Electrical Fundamentals
Mr. Walid AlQaisi - Measurements and Instrumentation

Mr. Ayman Odawa - Digital Electronics
Mr. Ayman Odawa - Project Planning
Mr. Mohammed Akhtar - Project Planning
Mrs. Saima Saleem - Project Planning
Mr. Walid Al Qaisi - Electrical Installation
Mr. Ayman Odawa - PLC Fundamentals
Mrs. Saima Saleem - PLC Fundamentals
Mr. Ahmad Ennab - Process Control
Mr. Asfar Imam - Process Control